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Mr. Obama promoted CPT Luu to  Major Luu. Great, thank you Mr. President..10 years in the Army just to be a "Major Luu, Sir".

Robin Williams resurrected to laugh with CPT Joe Luu.

Audience bought a Joe Luu's photo souvenir.

CPT Joe Luu with Representative Judy Chu

CPT Joe Luu was  a Headline for The Weekly STAR newspaper.

George Carlin reincarnated from the dead to laugh with CPT Joe Luu.

A fan bought a Joe Luu's T-shirt for $50. The original price was $30. JL gave the extra $20 to (DAV)Disabled American Veterans.

Police arrested Joe Luu for KILLING an audience member with 101 laughs.

JL made the Alhambra Chief burst at the seams so he bailed out the Captain, what an Asian Persuasion!

Joe Luu can be seen @


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